Take a look at the ten trends that your customers will be looking for in 2019. From internal health to hair and eco-friendly brands. If you are looking for some new ideas to offer clients a unique experience over the next 12 months read on!

1. Tailor made beauty.
Savvy consumers are now more focused towards creating individual skincare routines that allow them to treat the needs of their skin accordingly. They can invest in less products and with mix and match multi-use products create a skincare regime suitable for all times of the day, month or season. With consumers understanding more about basic and complex ingredients they can alter their skincare routine to meet its daily needs.
2. Inside out.
The rise of the YouTube and Instagram stars promoting health and wellness is leading to a rise is health conscious consumers seeking out ways to stave off illness and ageing. From healthy eating to veganism on the rise, so too is the demand for hair growth vitamins, probiotics and collagen enhancing pills. Good skin is not only tackling what’s visibly happening on the outside with skincare and treatments but also trying to address the cause of the problems from the inside.
Selling healthcare supplements is a great add on for your business or why not team up with nutritionists to refer your clients to.
3. It’s all the DNA.
I am guessing by now you may have seen adverts popping up over DNA analysis. Many believe that our diet, skin health or overall wellbeing is written within our DNA. Many companies now are springing up that offer consumers an insight into foods they should avoid, skincare products they should use and potential risk factors for certain health conditions and how they can better manage their health. Skincare companies will soon harness this information to prescribe more suitable products for their customers. Whether this will be something we can offer in the salon, only time will tell.
4. The indie revolution.
Have you started to notice the shift away from mainstream brands? Instagram has largely influenced a new trend towards an indie beauty following. From eco-friendly, vegan friendly or self-sustained packaging are all being sought after by consumers. Think this is a faze? Unilever are now sourcing sustainable, recyclable and environmentally friendly packaging for their product lines, which means other beauty companies may well start to follow suit soon!
Other indie brands focus on packaging their organic products into cool packaging like Danish Zenz’s pebble shaped monochrome packaging. Others focus on locally sourced ingredients to reduce carbon footprints.
5. Hair today, gone tomorrow?
Hair care has flailed behind the beauty industry for some years now in terms of products and treatments. Now we seem to be seeing an emerging market of new products and treatments for at home and in-salon that we haven’t seen before. Whilst over the years the hair industry has seen a sway towards an increase in balayage or crazy colours it seems the industry stays pretty steady.
Today we are seeing more consumers wanting to seek out more natural alternatives and treatments that provide nourishment and growth. From in-salon scalp cleansing treatments to nourishing masks, keratin straightening, Olaplex and more natural alternatives such as organic hair dyes.
We will see a higher demand for hair growth and conditioning vitamins and at home hair masks and hair conditioning products.
6. Getting intimate.
The British public were once a shy consumer when it came to intimate treatments. Even to the point that many were embarrassed having spray tans or massage. With social media pushing even the most intimate of treatments more clients are comfortable with stripping off in the salon.
2019 will be the start of brands developing and selling products designed for the intimate areas. We are seeing it slowly emerge now with products popping up designed to exfoliate and moisturise the intimate areas. More women are jumping over to organic period pads and tampons or ditching these altogether for more eco-friendly alternatives like moon cups. Treatments will also start to creep onto salon menus for toning and tightening and brightening the ‘V’ area.
Let’s also not forget the boobs! A firm favourite of French women for many years it just never seemed to catch on in the UK. Bust serums and creams would sit on shelves for years catching dust and breast treatments would languish on treatment menus with no up-takers. Slowly this is starting to pop up on menu treatment lists again as clients try to slow down the ageing process.
7. Back to basics.
The scramble to find the latest beauty product or treatment is seen on every social media site by consumers and salon owners alike. Yet more therapists and clients are realising that sometimes less is more. Perhaps the trend of indie and holistic alternatives to beauty are pushing people to return to tried and tested ingredients, treatments or products.
The difference today isn’t that we are reverting back to basics because of a social trend, but that we are applying the knowledge we have today and combining several treatment modalities together to create amazing treatments and outcomes for clients. We have started to understand that the more aggressive treatments we were demanding 10 years ago are too aggressive and can in many cases, cause more damage than good. Combination treatments are becoming more popular using treatments and equipment many of us may have archived as old hat.
8. Don’t forget oral!
Teeth! They are a massive part of our aesthetics and people are still striving for brighter and whiter more perfect teeth. Many people will want to improve their teeth in some way be it through invisible braces, clip on veneers, caps or full implants, the dentistry market will definitely see a sharp rise in custom.
Some of us will remember the teeth whitening hype and the many thousands of customers that poured through salon doors every week wanting whiter teeth. Now with the changes in law making it illegal for UK salon owners or non-dentists to offer this treatment, consumers still seek out this treatment.
Local dentists sometimes offer salons incentives for referring clients to them and this is a great way to earn money off the back of an ever-increasing trend. Over the counter or retail whitening kits just don’t seem to offer the effect the consumers demand.
So how can we provide oral health within the salon? Trends are falling towards charcoal toothpastes, organic toothpastes, mouthwashes, exfoliators, deep conditioning toothpastes and desensitisers which is seeing new brands emerge tailored towards oral health. Whilst we cannot offer teeth services, we can offer dental care products to sell to our clients to help them look after their teeth and achieve more beautiful smiles.
9. Get lashed.
The organic trend is even reaching into the lash market sector. Online searches are increasing by consumers trying to find natural alternatives to extending their lashes through the use of aloe vera, grapeseed oil or castor oil. The search for natural lash lifts has also increased by 52%. It will be interesting to see how the lash companies respond to this information.
As a salon you can look at selling natural eyelash enhancing serums, or finding lash and brow products that are safer than what you currently use. If this proves difficult, similar to the hair movement it may be a case or encompassing natural treatments into your lash service that rebuilds the lash strength and health.
10. Lip service.
Do you offer a lip service at your salon? Now might be the time to look at introducing a lip scrub, plump or mask as 2019 sees a huge surge in the focus on lips. Searches for standout lip colour are up by 467% which means beautiful lips are going to be in the limelight. Lip treatments could easily be added onto facials, lash and brow or even body treatments as a nice upsell alternative!
What do you think will trend in 2019?